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Agricultural Commission Minutes 01-19-10
Town of Bolton Agricultural Commission
Meeting Minutes
Date: 19 January 2010
63 Main Street
978 779-2297 or 779-3308
Joe Kovacs 779-6979 Term Exp 6/30/2010
Ken Nicewicz 779-6423 Term Exp 6/30/2010
Sue Storbeck 779-6020 Term Exp 6/30/2011
Barbara Parente 779-6303 Term Exp 6/30/2012
Betsy Taylor-Kennedy 779-5213 Term Exp 6/30/2012

A meeting of the Bolton Agricultural Commission was held on January 19, 2010 at Town Hall. The meeting was called to
order at 7:30 pm. Commission members in attendance: Joe Kovacs, Ken Nicewicz, Barbara Parente, and Betsy Taylor-
Kennedy. Sue Storbeck was absent. Guests included Rona Balco, Teresa Sauer and Ada Woolston from the Bolton
Community Garden Committee, and developers Greg Roy and Bob Kiley, Houghton Farm subdivision.
The December meeting minutes were read by members and accepted.
Reports from liaisons to Town Boards/Commissions:
Conservation Commission – Barbara – met with Carol Gumbart (Cons. Comm). Houghton Farm developer intends to
preserve 5.31 acres near Sugar Road entrance, only a small portion is usable field. May put in homeowners association
documents that land be kept as scenic vista, hay field, or used for crops. If want to put land back into production, will need
permission from the Cons. Comm since land out of production more than five years.
-- Commission members looked at the Houghton Farm development maps in anticipation of an 8:00 meeting with the
developers to discuss a plan to reserve some space as productive land.
Working Session:
o Members of the Bolton Community Garden Committee (BCG) indicated an interest in starting a manure operation
on the Coolidge land, to improve the community garden soil, and asked for Agricultural Commission support and
involvement. Indicated they already have support from the Bolton Conservation Trust. Ken recommended talking
to the neighbors, getting them involved. Action item: Joe will talk to Sue as a possible AgComm member to
become active in the project.
o 8:00 meeting with Greg Roy and Bob Kiley, representing Houghton Farm development. Developers indicated a
homeowners association would be formed and could preserve the meadow/field. AgComm asked to consider
allowing the use of the space for production, such as community gardens for the residents; developers indicated
this could be done. AgComm asked about the trail system. There will be a parking area for open space access,
but it doesn’t connect directly to the trails.
o Discussed with BCG committee raised garden beds going in at the school (between Emerson and Sawyer
schools), as an after-school program, in an effort to get better local food within the school. Joe said the AgComm
might be able to help financially. BCG said they might sell seeds as a fund-raiser.
o AgComm members agreed to hold one session with commercial farmers, at the March meeting, and to plan the
agenda at the February meeting.
Current business:
1. Annual Report: Ken moved and Barbara seconded a motion for Joe to update the 2009 report and send a draft to
2. Holiday Sale/Agriculture surveys: Barbara reported that 12 surveys have been returned; Barbara will tally the
results for the next meeting.
3. Conflict of Interest Law Training – Barbara completed her training. Four members now trained. Ken must complete
the training by the extended April deadline.
4. Joe distributed copies of the Open Space Plan with additions he had added from the AgComm. Three members --
Joe, Betsy and Barbara -- had attended the Open Space meeting chaired by the Cons. Comm and offered input.
New Business
1. Joe distributed cards reminding members of the Annual Statewide Massachusetts Agricultural Commissions’
Conference at Worcester State College on Saturday, March 20 and suggested at least one member attend.
2. Joe and Betsy agreed to attend the rescheduled dog-alpaca hearing.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:14 pm.